The Use Of Pilates For Physical Therapy, Not Just Fitness.

Aerobics pilates instructor woman in cadillacOver the past few years, Pilates has grown in popularity as more people are gaining awareness of its rehabilitative effects. Doctors and physical therapists are recommending Pilates to clients with foot, knee, shoulder, neck, back pain and more. In fact, physical therapists are utilizing Pilates equipment and exercises into their practice and many are also trained as Pilates instructors.

The relationship between Pilates and physical therapy has become a topic of great interest. This is not to say that the two are one and the same thing or that they are interchangeable but that they are mutually beneficial for clients, therapists and even instructors.

To get a clear understanding of the different roles of physical therapists and Pilates instructors, it is important to outline how the two differently approach rehabilitation. Note that Pilates is a method of fitness that can also be used for physical therapy to maximize benefits to the body and also reduce healing time.

An important distinction between traditional physical therapy and Pilates is that traditional medical professionals are going to address pain and pathologies. On the other hand a Pilates teacher is not looking at pathology. A Pilates teacher is keener on overall alignment, mobility and articulation, control as well as balance and fluidity.

Pilates based physical therapy (PBPT) is an approach to healing grounded in the moving body. Assessment and treatment is meant for the whole body and not just an injury or symptom. This is made possible through Pilates exercises and traditional physical therapy methods.

PBPT encourages one to take an active role in recovery. It often involves learning and engaging in new ways of moving, listening and taking care of yourself. By learning how to listen to your body, you can also avoid future injuries. Therefore, it provides post-rehabilitations or wellness education. However, it has its roots in rehabilitation. In fact, plenty of physical therapists are utilizing Pilates and incorporate its holistic philosophy into their practice.

Sometimes, there are certain structural problems that need surgery, manipulation or some kind of structural fix. Therefore, Pilates and physical therapy can be viewed in terms of a healing strategy that begins with overall movement patterns and compensations, which is the basis of Pilates. If that doesn’t work, clearly there is a structural issue and the client needs to move into physical therapy. After physical therapy, Pilates can provide cost-effective post-rehab benefits.

Client needs are used as the basis for dialogue between Pilate instructors and physical therapists. The two experts as well as other professionals such as doctors and chiropractors work together to deliver the best care to the client. Communication between these parties is therefore very important.

As the practices of Pilate instructors and physical therapists are mutually beneficial, it is evident that the relationship between professionals in these fields is strengthening. This is one of the main reasons why the two are encouraged to enhance their work, gain more confidence about referrals and be more informed on behalf of their clients by observing as well as experiencing each other’s work.

Know The Benefits Of Kinesio Taping

dynamic functional bandage with tapingSports fans may be noticing a lot of their favorite athletes these days are sporting various strips of brightly colored tape on different parts of their bodies. They are not simply displaying the latest fashion trend, but are benefiting from Kinesio taping.

Kinesio taping, which has been around for more than three decades, is quickly gaining in popularity for use by people suffering from sports injuries or musculoskeletal and inflammatory conditions. Many athletes find the tape also improves their performance on the field. It also can help prevent injuries or allow them to return to play more quickly.

First adopted by the Japanese Olympic team and other professional athletes in the 1980s, Kinesio taping uses a thin, elastic cotton strip that has acrylic adhesive to stick to the skin in patterns that will speed recovery from trauma or will help prevent injuries. The tape has been shown to help with a variety of conditions. Also, because the tape can be left on the skin for up to five days, its benefits are available around the clock.

Kinesio taping helps relieve pain through mechanisms both physical and neurological in nature. The tape has a lifting action on the skin, providing direct relief to pain receptors located there. It also can help with chronic pain by stimulating the nerve fibers, which is an action that can be useful for persistent pain that may exist after an injury has healed.

dynamic functional bandage with tapingBy reducing pressure and enhancing circulation, Kinesio taping also has been shown to be effective in reducing swelling, bruising, and inflammation and to relieve or prevent cramping or muscle spasms. This is true in the case of overused muscles, which can benefit from the tape encouraging the removal of lactic acid and other byproducts of exercise. This will allow for a faster rebound from high activity or endurance events.

Athletes have found that Kinesio taping will enhance the muscle tone and strength in muscles that already have been injured, allowing them to remain active. Because the tape has the same flexibility and thickness of skin, it does not constrict their range of motion and will not interfere with their activities.

For those who are not athletes, this aspect of Kinesio taping means they will be able to perform exercises that will improve their condition and to continue with most of their daily activities. The support and enhanced muscle tone the tape offers has been used to help children with hypotonia, or extremely poor muscle tone, which hinders their ability to crawl, roll over, or sit up.

A Quick Guide To Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

With claims of multiple health benefits, low level laser therapy (LLLT) is one of the most talked about technologies in the health industry today. An incident low-level laser beam or a light emitting diode (LED) influences functioning of the human cells to cure several diseases. Here is a comprehensive lowdown of the therapy.

A Quick History of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
The health benefits of LLLT were realized soon after the invention of lasers. In 1967, Endre Mester of Semmelweis University, Budapest laid the foundation for studies on biological effects of low level lasers after his conclusion that laser exposure stimulated hair growth in shaved mice. The Food and Drug Association (FDA) has granted 501(k) approval to several LLLT products, classifying them as “Lamp, Non-heating, for Adjunctive Use in Pain Therapy.”

What is LLLT?
LLLT uses lasers or LED’s whose intensity is much lower than surgical lasers. This form of light therapy uses light of wavelength 600-1000nm, lying in the red and near infrared regions of the photospecturm. This light can penetrate the cell membrane and stimulate production of cellular energy, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), consequently helping the cell to heal faster.

Procedure of a Low Level Laser Therapy Treatment
The light used (LED or laser) is administered through a handheld device that typically delivers 0.01-0.2 watts. A number of light-emitting probes are housed in an aluminum body. The treatment varies from person to person and according to the intent but sessions usually last up to fifteen minutes and are spaced out over a year.  Laser therapy is either administered by a practitioner or by the individual at home.

Benefits of LLLT
This light therapy is hailed primarily for its potency in alleviating pain associated with a number of conditions  including tendinopathy, chronic joint aches,neck pain, lower back ache, and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also known to help speed healing of wounds, especially the ones caused by periodontitis or dental implants. It is used in treating pattern balding and hair fall.

An Area of Research
Efficacy of LLLT in treating pain and speeding healing of wounds has not yet been established assertively. This is primarily due to the fact that the exact mechanism of LLLT’s effect on human cells is not yet known. As a result, most insurance companies don’t honor claims made against light therapy by health insurance policy holders. The results of the therapy rely greatly in the intensity and wavelength of the light used and tend to vary from person to person.

A painless and effective healing facilitator, low level laser therapy has helped several people around the globe. Many low level laser treatment devices have been approved by FDA and several have patents pending. Laser therapy may be the answer for anyone battling body aches or healing from wounds.

Spinal Decompression Therapy- A Life Changing Solution

If you suffer from severe back pain, you will know only too well what disruption and misery it can bring to your life. It can cause prolonged absence from work and salary loss, as well as depriving you of a social life and participation in normal activities. Many sufferers assume there’s nothing that can be done, but now an increasing number of people are turning to non-surgical decompression therapy to find relief from their problems.

Spinal decompression is a type of mechanized traction, which works by stretching the spine to take pressure off the spinal discs. One of the most common causes of back pain is a herniated or bulging disc, which occurs when the cushion of cartilage that sits between the vertebrae ruptures, and bulges out from its normal position. This puts pressure on the spinal nerves that are very close to the discs, and can cause excruciating pain, as well as tingling and numbness.

spinal decompression is non-surgical, traction based treatment for herniated and bulging discs in your lower back (Lumbar) or cervical neck problems. Equipment used by The Center of Medical Arts
Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression therapy aims to relieve this pain, by separating the spinal bones, joints and discs. As the traction is applied, it moves the disc away from the nerve root. At the same time, the decompression of the discs causes the nutrients, fluids and oxygen, which have been lost through the degeneration of the disc, to be replenished.

In order to receive this treatment, you are asked to lie down fully clothed on the traction device, which is like a computer-controlled table. You may be either face down or face up, depending on the type of machine that is being used. The doctor will fit you with harnesses round your trunk and pelvis, which strap you to the table.

You will probably be on the table for about 30-45 minutes for each session. As the two sections of the table move apart and together, a distraction force is applied to the bulging disc in your spine. The spine is gently pulled apart, creating a space between the vertebrae, thus pulling the disc back into shape. The process is painless and relaxing — so much so that patients often fall asleep.

There are a variety of machines used for spinal decompression therapy. Nowadays almost all the machines are controlled through an on-board computer, which enables the doctor to regulate the angle and force of disc distraction. It has a number of preset programs, which control the direction and frequency of the decompression forces, according to the needs of the individual patient.

Increasing numbers of people are choosing this non-surgical treatment, because they are anxious to avoid the risks of surgery. Not only is the cost of surgery prohibitive, but the outcome often cannot be controlled, and in many cases it can lead to much more severe pain problems. In addition, decompression therapy is a far more effective treatment than drugs, which simply work by temporarily numbing the brain’s ability to feel the pain — they do nothing for the actual cause of the pain, which returns, often worse, when the drugs wear off. In contrast, spinal decompression deals with the actual root of the pain, providing lasting relief.

There may be no need for you to keep enduring chronic back pain, and allowing it to rob you of any quality of life. It is very likely that you will be a good candidate for spinal decompression therapy, which can deal with your condition without recourse to surgery or medication. If you are suffering in this way, before considering surgery you should investigate whether this could be a life-changing solution for you.

Learn The Facts About Sonic Wave Therapy

For many centuries, man has used sound to successfully heal a variety of medical problems.

Even in modern times, sound has proven to be a power healing tool in the medical industry.

Read on to find out how modern medicine utilizes sound for healing.

Many scientific research studies confirm that infrared, consciousness altering audio and ultrasound have healing properties that can benefit patients in a variety of ways.

Many physicians use therapeutic ultrasound to serve many different medical functions, including ridding the body of bacteria, cleaning teeth, treating cancerous tumors, eliminating kidney stones, and removing fat with liposuction.

The medical industry is experience new developments in sound therapy, including sonic wave therapy.

Medical professionals can use sound to alter brainwave patterns in a beneficial way.

Brainwave entrainment can improve the patient’s life in a number of ways, but one of the most beneficial is by inducing a deep meditation that is safe, easy, quick and very pleasurable.

Individuals experience many advantages from meditation.

It is possible to experience sound healing at home.

We provide a way for individuals to do this. EquiSync utilizes our research results in multi-layered sound therapy to provide brainwave entrainment and the ideal equilibrium of frequencies to aid the mind in reaching a state of superior function while altering brainwave states by providing beneficial brainwave patterns of Delta, Theta, Alpha and meditation.

Using EquiSync to alter your brainwave patterns allows you to improve intellectual capacity, mood, emotion, thoughts, biological chemistry and more. You can join the multiple thousands of users located in countries all around the world who have already found success with this sound therapy.

Workout With TRX

TRX is a total body suspension training system which makes use of your body weight to build muscles and achieve a healthy body. You can progress from simple to more intense exercises as your ability and strength increases.

TRX was developed for the Navy Seals and is the original suspension training system based on body weight. It was designed to deliver functional fitness to soldiers, trainers, athletes and clients.TRX can be used by a personal trainer who deals with depressed clients.

In physical therapy, a single session of trx training takes approximately an hour and includes everything from warm up to cool down stretches which help to you to avoid or recover from an injury. To protect yourself from an injury, it is best if you learn the kinds of exercises which fulfill your particular needs.

This suspension training is used to develop strength, balance and flexibility. The training involves loaded instability, which uses multiple planes of motion and working different joints and muscles simultaneously.

It is good to work out often for health benefits. Having three sessions of TRX weekly with a personal trainer can improve your health significantly. If you are a sports person, you can still continue with the sporting activity besides suspension training. From a single portable training station you will build body strength, flexibility, core stability and balance.

With TRX training, you may or may not need a personal trainer. However, it is important that you learn from a qualified trainer or physical therapist before you can train alone.

Everyone can benefit from TRX training since the person training controls the resistance and level of difficulty without much effort. The whole idea is to just shift the position of your body. TRX is commonly used for rehabilitation and hardcore training by elite athletes and soldiers.

Look And Feel Better With Endermologie

Endermology, or Endermologie, is an FDA approved method that stimulates the skin and its underlying cells to bring about multiple benefits, including reduced cellulite, smoother skin tone, and less waste products in the muscles. Individuals who have undergone Endermologie can see and feel visible results. The results are so remarkable that the FDA has approved the claim of cellulite reduction.

The technique, developed almost 30 years ago, uses rollers and suction to apply a deep massage. It was originally created to treat the scars and rigid skin of burn victims. In time, the visibly reduced appearance of cellulite was discovered in patients who had received the treatment. First used in France, and now patented in the United States, it is a noninvasive body treatment that provides a notable difference, with no recovery period.

With hard exercise, the muscles sometimes cannot get all of the oxygen they need to perform at full capacity. Sometimes athletes and fitness buffs experience “the burn” of muscles during a heavy work out. This burn is caused by an excess level of lactic acid in the muscle tissue that has built up due to insufficient oxygen levels. It is difficult, if not impossible to continue under this circumstance as the muscles become less efficient and fail to work at full capacity.

Endermologie tenders a host of benefits. It increases blood circulation, which boosts the removal of waste through the lymph nodes. Fewer toxins in the body mean increased energy and less likelihood for muscle pain and twinges. In addition to these unseen benefits, there are cosmetic pluses that have added to the popularity of this technique. The loss of waste from the treated cells, particularly fat cells, means they are reduced in size. Smaller fat cells means less cellulite and a more even skin tone.

While the results of Endermologie do not last forever, patients begin with two to three sessions a week and may slowly taper off their treatments until they have reached a once a month maintenance level. It is the perfect solution for an active individual who works hard at maintaining his or her physical well being, but has reached a point where nothing seems to help specific problem areas. Endermologie will give them the final assistance they need to look and feel their best.

The Role of Physical Morality

With One Remarkable Tool, We Can Work Wonders to Help Relieve Pain, Inflammation & More

At The Center of Medical Arts, we have harnessed the power of a small but powerful laser therapy tool called the MicroLight 830 low-level laser.

Arriving first on the scene in 2002 following FDA Approval, we have since help literally hundreds of patients find relief from these and other ailments:

  • Old or new sports injuries or accident
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Burns & sores
  • Repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Lower back pain
  • Migraine headaches
  • Skin ulcers, bed or other pressure sores
  • Scarring from a recent surgery
  • Herpes simplex (cold sores)
  • Tennis & golfers’ elbow
  • Many other aches, pains and conditions that pain relief medication can’t conquer

Low-Level Laser Therapy Succeeds Where Other Treatments Fail.

Light has been used for healing for many centuries, starting with the Greeks and Romans who recognized the positive effects of sunlight. We know that when sunlight strikes the skin, our whole body feels the benefits. Even our brain is affected by sunlight. As scientists have understood more about the nature of light and its positive effects on the body, they have been able to develop techniques and devices that use light as part of the healing process.

The History of Laser Therapy

The word “laser” is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The theory was first described by Albert Einstein (1879-1955) who paved the way for the development of the therapeutic laser.  The first low-level therapeutic laser was developed in 1962. By the end of the 1960’s, Endre Mester in Hungary was reporting an improved healing of wounds through low-level laser radiation. Since then, scientists and doctors around the world have been using laser light to treat conditions that can affect all age groups.

What Is Low Level Laser Light?

Low-level laser light is compressed light of a wavelength from the cold, red part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. It is different from natural light in that it is one precise color; it is coherent (it travels in a straight line), monochromatic (a single wavelength) and polarized (it concentrates its beam in a defined location or spot). These properties allow laser light to penetrate the surface of the skin with no heating effect, no damage to the skin and no known side effects. Rather, laser light directs biostimulative light energy to the body’s cells which the cells then convert into chemical energy to promote natural healing and pain relief.

What Is Low Level Laser Therapy?

Low-level therapy uses cold (subthermal) laser light energy to direct bio-stimulative light energy to the body’s cells without injuring or damaging them in any way. The therapy is precise and accurate; and offers safe and effective treatment for a wide variety of conditions.

How Does Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Benefit You?

  • Relieves acute and chronic pain
  • Increases the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair
  • Increases blood supply
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Stimulates nerve function
  • Develops collagen and muscle tissue
  • Helps generate new and healthy cells and tissue
  • Promotes faster wound healing and clot formation
  • Reduces inflammation
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Low-level laser therapy does not require constant, ongoing treatments, as is often required with traditional chiropractic or physiotherapeutic remedies.

Is Low-Level Laser Therapy for You?

It is if you suffer from any of the conditions mentioned above.

Equally important, the portable nature of the Microlight 830 allows us to provide in-home or in-office care…as well as our facilities, of course.

In our experience, we have had very few patients who have not received benefit from the Low Level Laser Therapy…conversely, numerous patients have received truly outstanding help for conditions that had previously defied all other therapies. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.